Mandeville Primary School
Hertfordshire County Council
Contract Period
64 weeks
Form of Contract
JCT Single Stage D&B
Gibberds, Playle and Partners, Michael Jones & Associates LLP, Tisserin Engineers Ltd
Procured off Hertfordshire County Council’s framework, this project sees Mandeville Primary School expanded from a 1FE to 2FE facility. This was achieved through the provision of a new two storey block, named Synergy, that features 8 classrooms, a multi-purpose double storey height hall, four group rooms and associated facilities. A small extension and reconfiguration of the existing building was also delivered, plus provision of two new sports pitches, extended playgrounds and new parking facilities.
The new build achieves net zero carbon in operation via ASHPs, Solar PV and natural ventilation plus recorded low embodied carbon emissions during delivery with construction via a SIPs frame.