Performing Arts, TV and Photography
South Essex College
South Essex College
Hertfordshire County Council
Contract Period
60 weeks
Form of Contract
JCT Single Stage D&B
Attol Blue, Mike Davenport, Dench Consulting
Apex were contracted via the South Essex College (SEC) framework agreement to provide new facilities for Performing Arts, Hair & Beauty, TV & Photography within their Southend-on-Sea campus.
This was an extremely complex project, requiring the creation of the new two-level performing arts facility within an existing atrium, whilst the College remained in operation and with only one point of access. Whilst the construction of the Performing Arts space was underway, Apex also took on the task of completely revamping the Ground Floor of the campus to accommodate both the Hair & Beauty departments relocation and the TV & Photography’s upgrade.
Now complete, these new facilities offer students modern and practical facilities, featuring new technologies and enabling the college to deliver skills that students need.